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Children holding up open books in the Purcell Room

Imagine a Story: A Creative Writing Project for Schools

Key Stage 2 pupils become published authors in our collaborative writing project

Primary school pupils have the opportunity to collaborate with brilliant children’s writers and illustrators from under-represented backgrounds for our Imagine a Story creative writing project.

We are so pleased to announce that for Imagine a Story 2023/24 we are joined by Lisette Auton (The Secret of Haven Point) as our lead author and Chanté Timothy (Daddy Do My Hair) as our lead illustrator.

For this project, inspired by the game of consequences, Auton has set a framework for an adventurous multi-part story. Each participating school writes one part of the story in response to this framework, without knowing what comes before or after their section! Together, the chapters create a completely unique story, which Timothy brings to life with her illustrations.

At the beginning of the project, teachers are supported by a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) session and a robust teachers’ pack created in consultation with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE). The CPD is a key component of Imagine a Story, as it not only prepares teachers to bring Imagine a Story to their classrooms but equips them with practical tools and tips for writing creatively and collectively with their classes beyond the project. (Please note that full participation in the CPD is a requirement for participation in the programme.)

Once all the chapters have been submitted by all participating schools, these are then collated and professionally published, making all the children involved published authors!

To celebrate this huge achievement, contributing classes are then invited to attend their ‘Book Launch’ event at the Southbank Centre or another culture centre in their local area. Here every child receives a copy of the published book and has the opportunity to hear their story read out loud by Auton, as well as drawing some of the characters in a session led by Timothy.

This project is designed to inspire and support children’s creativity and creative writing skills, help them to see themselves in the books they read and write, motivate them to continue to develop their writing and reading back in school, and help them to see themselves as real-life authors.

Open to classes in Key Stage 2 (years 3 – 6). Schools are encouraged to invite multiple classes (up to 60 children combined) to collaborate in this group writing project.

Download our Imagine a Story information sheet


Applications for Imagine a Story 2023/24 have now closed; if you would like your school to get involved in Imagine a Story 2024/25, please contact the schools team.

Email Schools team

How does the project work?
  • Apply online for your school to take part in the project.*
  • All teachers are required to take part in the online professional development workshop with the author to introduce the story outline and workshop techniques for whole-class creative writing. Supporting resources will be provided.
  • Write your part of the story with your class (you’ll be assigned a part of the story at the beginning of the project).*
  • Submit your part of the story by the deadline.
  • Attend the live performance of your story here at the Southbank Centre or a venue in your local area, and receive your hard copies of the published book.

*Please note that due to the high level of interest in this national project, we may not be able to accommodate individual schools’ requests to complete multiple parts or have more than 60 children, the Schools Team may get in touch with you to discuss how your school can best participate.

Why should our school take part in this project?

Imagine a Story will:

  • Support children to develop their writing, reading, and imaginative skills, including the following areas of the KS2 National Curriculum for English:
    • developing understanding and enjoyment of reading and writing
    • planning, drafting and evaluating their writing
    • discussing words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination
    • developing well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives
    • using language to develop understanding through imagining and exploring ideas
  • Increase diverse representation in children’s literature and encourage young people to see themselves in their writing
  • Encourage children’s awareness of key issues of their time through the story narrative (e.g. wellbeing, climate change, inclusivity, equity)
  • Open up access to pathways to careers in the arts and encourage children to see themselves as ‘real life’ authors
Key dates

Autumn Term 1: Sign up to the project (deadline: Friday 10 November 2023)

Autumn Term 2: Take part in project CPD and plan next term!

Please ensure you can attend one of the CPD sessions (either online or in person) to confirm your school’s participation on the project.

Teacher CPD sessions:

  • Wednesday 6 December: online CPD
  • Thursday 7 December: in-person CPD (TBC)
  • Tuesday 12 December: online CPD

Spring Term 1 & 2: Write your class chapter and submit it to the Southbank Centre (deadline: Friday 15 March 2024)

Summer Term 1: Get excited – your book is being edited and illustrated!

Summer Term 2: Enjoy your Book Launch performances!

Ensure you’ve got everything ready for your final performance trips & take part in the final performances with the author and illustrator where every child receives a copy of the book – they’re published authors now!

What are the benefits?

This project is free to all participating schools. Here’s what you’ll receive in this year’s Imagine a Story project:

  • In-person or online CPD training session with the Southbank Centre and Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE)
  • Teachers’ Pack full of literacy and creative writing activities for the KS2 classroom
  • A copy of the published book for every student participating in the project
  • Live performance from project artists in your local area
  • Ongoing support from start to finish from the Southbank Centre Schools Team and Imagine a Story teacher network
    Download our Imagine a Story information sheet